Chapter 4 Example Data

A set of example data is provided for testing and exploring the Data Portal. The archive contains three datasets:

  • user_test_point.shp - Example point shapefile
  • user_test_poly.shp - Example polygon shapefile
  • user_test_raster.tif - Example raster geotiff

All files are projected in WGS84 (EPSG:4326). Layers created using this example data will be deleted periodically.

  1. Download the Example Data zip file

  2. Extract the zip file on your local computer

  3. Upload the layer(s)

  4. Try out Data Portal functions

These data were randomly generated using R:


# create bounding box somewhere in Monteregie
example_bound <- st_polygon(list(cbind(
    c(-73.48786, -72.49971, -72.49971, -73.48786, -73.48786), 
    c(45.04368, 45.04368, 46.07541, 46.07541, 45.04368)
  ))) %>% 
  st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>% st_as_sf

# create 9 random points within bounding box, attach dummy attributes
example_rand_pt <- st_sample(example_bound, 9) %>% st_as_sf %>% 
    id = 1:9, 
    name = letters[id], 
    group = sample(c("Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3"), n(), replace = TRUE),
    value = runif(n(), 0, 1))

# create raster where value = distance to nearest point
example_dist_rast <- example_bound %>% raster %>% 
  distanceFromPoints(., example_rand_pt %>% as_Spatial)

# write out the files
write_sf(example_bound, "data/example/user_test_poly.shp")
write_sf(example_rand_pt, "data/example/user_test_point.shp")
writeRaster(example_dist_rast, "data/example/user_test_raster.tif", overwrite = T)

# zip for convenience
example_files <- list.files("data/example/", full.names = T)
if(length(example_files) > 0) {
  zip("data/", example_files)